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package com.zhaoonline.coupen.concurrent.tokenbucket;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * A token bucket is used for rate limiting access to a portion of code.
 * @see <a href="">Token Bucket on Wikipedia</a>
 * @see <a href="">Leaky Bucket on Wikipedia</a>
public interface TokenBucket {
     * Returns the capacity of this token bucket.  This is the maximum number of tokens that the bucket can hold at
     * any one time.
     * @return The capacity of the bucket.
    long getCapacity();

     * Returns the current number of tokens in the bucket.  If the bucket is empty then this method will return 0.
     * @return The current number of tokens in the bucket.
    long getNumTokens();

     * Returns the amount of time in the specified time unit until the next group of tokens can be added to the token
     * bucket.
     * @param unit The time unit to express the return value in.
     * @return The amount of time until the next group of tokens can be added to the token bucket.
     * @see org.isomorphism.util.TokenBucket.RefillStrategy#getDurationUntilNextRefill(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)
    long getDurationUntilNextRefill(TimeUnit unit) throws UnsupportedOperationException;

     * Attempt to consume a single token from the bucket.  If it was consumed then {@code true} is returned, otherwise
     * {@code false} is returned.
     * @return {@code true} if a token was consumed, {@code false} otherwise.
    boolean tryConsume();

     * Attempt to consume a specified number of tokens from the bucket.  If the tokens were consumed then {@code true}
     * is returned, otherwise {@code false} is returned.
     * @param numTokens The number of tokens to consume from the bucket, must be a positive number.
     * @return {@code true} if the tokens were consumed, {@code false} otherwise.
    boolean tryConsume(long numTokens);

     * Consume a single token from the bucket.  If no token is currently available then this method will block until a
     * token becomes available.
    void consume();

     * Consumes multiple tokens from the bucket.  If enough tokens are not currently available then this method will block
     * until
     * @param numTokens The number of tokens to consume from teh bucket, must be a positive number.
    void consume(long numTokens);

     * Refills the bucket with the specified number of tokens.  If the bucket is currently full or near capacity then
     * fewer than {@code numTokens} may be added.
     * @param numTokens The number of tokens to add to the bucket.
    void refill(long numTokens);

     * Encapsulation of a refilling strategy for a token bucket.
    static interface RefillStrategy {
         * Returns the number of tokens to add to the token bucket.
         * @return The number of tokens to add to the token bucket.
        long refill();

         * Returns the amount of time in the specified time unit until the next group of tokens can be added to the token
         * bucket.  Please note, depending on the {@code SleepStrategy} used by the token bucket, tokens may not actually
         * be added until much after the returned duration.  If for some reason the implementation of
         * {@code RefillStrategy} doesn't support knowing when the next batch of tokens will be added, then an
         * {@code UnsupportedOperationException} may be thrown.  Lastly, if the duration until the next time tokens will
         * be added to the token bucket is less than a single unit of the passed in time unit then this method will
         * return 0.
         * @param unit The time unit to express the return value in.
         * @return The amount of time until the next group of tokens can be added to the token bucket.
        long getDurationUntilNextRefill(TimeUnit unit) throws UnsupportedOperationException;

     * Encapsulation of a strategy for relinquishing control of the CPU.
    static interface SleepStrategy {
         * Sleep for a short period of time to allow other threads and system processes to execute.
        void sleep();